Tuesday, May 31, 2011

21 Days of Prayer for Sons

Are you a mother of boys who often finds herself wanting to waive the white flag in defeat?
Do they drain you, overwhelm you, steal your heart, break your heart and cause you more anxiety than you ever dreamed possible?
Maybe you only have one boy amongst a sea of estrogen and you just can’t figure out how to respond to him in a way that affirms all that is good about his masculinity.
There are so many books out there today on the topic of parenting boys that I can’t count them. Nor do I have time to read them all. But even if I did, reading these books and putting the solid tools in them to work still doesn’t come with guarantees.
Knowing this, it becomes quite clear that there is only one thing we can do…
Plead with God.
“The fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much.” James 5:17.
It’s our hope.http://www.brookemcglothlin.com/warriorprayers/21-days-of-prayer-for-sons/

21 Days of Prayer Introductions

Hello everyone! If you are reading this, then you are interested in the 21 Days of Prayer for Sons Challenge that begins on June 8th. I believe this will be a wonderful experience. If you have a son or sons like mine, they need a lot of prayer! If you want to join our group, please choose to subscribe as a follower so that you can stay in the loop. Once the challenge starts I will be changing this group to private so we could share personal stories/info, etc. if necessary without worrying about internet creepers. So make sure you subscribe!
Check out the website below:
21 Days of Prayer for Sons