Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 2: Submission to Authority

Day 2 Submission to Authority
There are a lot of ways we influence our children.  This is an area where our children will almost completely copy what we do. Think about all the ways during your day you must choose to submit to authority: You are a few minutes behind so you drive five over the legal speed limit.  William (6) has a sense for how fast you should drive on certain roads. If I’m above that, he will call me out.  Although I rarely drive more than 5 over, I’m  still thumbing my nose at the authority that put the limit in place. What about when politicians come on TV? What words do your sons hear you saying about THAT person, THAT law, THAT decision? You can love me or hate me, but I will tell you that I did not vote for President Obama. However, it drives me up a wall to hear people badmouth and call the president of our country nasty names. I’m even feeling convicted about how I sneak coffee or soda and snacks into the YMCA indoor pool area during swim lessons. I can justify breaking that rule in my mind, and then I get mad when my children don’t listen to lifeguard tell them to walk, instead of run on the pool deck!
How do you encourage submission to authority?
Extra thoughts:
Is there an area in your life where you have not submitted to God’s authority?
Is there something I can do to help you get more out of this challenge?
What are your thoughts so far?

Keep Praying!!
-Janine, Mother of William (6), Braden (3), and Jonathan (2)


  1. Submission to authority is a hard one for us, but so important for us to teach our kiddos and practice ourselves! By nature my husband and I are leaders....own our own business, lead out ministries, etc. For Gabe to learn and understand submission we really need to model it to him. I think the best way for me as a mom to model this is by submitting to his daddy. When he sees this he sees a blueprint for marriage and a an an example of submitting to the Lord. Also he learns it through discipline when we do biblically. I'm excited ton pray these verses today for Gabe AND myself!

  2. Tracy, I know what you mean about submitting to our husbands. I hate when my 6 year old talks back to his daddy with an attitude in the exact same way that I talk to his daddy. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I have trouble submitting to my husband. It is not something I was taught growing up. My mother grew up in a household that was almost abusive. My grandmother was forced to do things (like buy clothing and food) behind my grandfather's back in order to take care of herself and her children. And while it was necessary for them to survive that way, my mom got used to that and carried it into our house while I was growing up even though it was not necessary. I had a very hard time realizing that I didn't have to do that with my husband, and yet I still find myself doing it. I was horrified when I realized I'm teaching it to my son. My husband is very over-protective of my son (though he is releasing his tight grip some as our son gets older) and I have heard myself say, you can do that now, but don't do it in front of your Papa because he will be afraid you will hurt yourself. And I realize that saying things like that is teaching my son that we don't have to submit to his father. I am going to work very hard at being the example for my son from now on.
