Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Obedience Study Questions

For those of you who couldn't find the study questions on page 14, you have the 1st edition of the book. Email brooke at She is working on a fix. For now, here are the Obedience Study Questions for today. There aren't any for Submission to Authority tomorrow.

Study Questions on Disobedience:
1. Describe the first time your son(s) deliberately disobeyed you. Did you recognize it immediately? How did it make you feel?
2. Do you have a plan for teaching your son(s) obedience? Or are you more of a “fly by the seat of your pants” kind of parent?
3. Have you ever considered how teaching obedience leads naturally to a deeper understanding of the Gospel?
4. In the book, Brooke talks about hearing a speaker say these words: “Ladies, if your man cannot submit to Jesus, he cannot lead you. A man must be willing to be led before he can truly lead.” How does this change your understanding of the importance of teaching your son(s) obedience?
5. Are there any discipline practices you’ve been using that need to be tweaked in order to better reflect the Gospel message?

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